[Tex/LaTex] Footprints symbol in LaTeX


I was wondering if someone knows if there is a foot/feet symbol available in any of latex packages that I could use in my text? I would appreciate any hint.

I do really mean a foot/feet icon as in the picture below.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Welcome to the TikZ section of TeX.SE!

\begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={footprints,foot length=20pt}] 
\draw [decorate] (0,0) -- (0,1.5);

enter image description here

ADDENDUM: A version for tikzlings. ;-)

\foreach \X [count=\Y] in {human,gnome,bird,felis silvestris}
{\begin{scope}[xshift=2.25*\Y*1cm,decoration={footprints,foot length=20pt,foot of=\X}] 
\draw [decorate] (0,0) -- (0,1.3);
\node[font=\sffamily] at (0,1.5) {\X};

enter image description here

2nd ADDENDUM: How to create your custom footprints? I assume you have some black/white picture of a left foot, which you can legally use for that.

  1. Convert this picture to the pnm format. For instance, on Linux/Mac OS you can use pngtopnm pic.png >pic.pnm.
  2. Then use (e.g.) potrace to make it a vector image, potrace pic.pnm.
  3. You can open that with inkscape and save it as tex, which yields a document in the pstricks format. Remove the preamble and end.
  4. Next you only need to do a regex search and replace that convers converts \curveto to \pgfpathcurveto, similarly for \lineto and \moveto. And a coordinate (x,y) needs to become {\pgfqpoint{xpt}{ypt}} (the outer braces are important).
  5. Then get rid of all \newrgbcolor, \pscustom and \newpath statements and extra braces, but end all paths with \pgfpathclose.

Finally wrap this into

  % Coordinates extracted from 
  % license... Unknown author.
  % Flip and rotate

  <result of your conversion>


Of course, you may have to adjust the transformations, e.g. by dialing a different scale factor in \pgftransformscale{0.005}. You can then access these foot prints by saying foot of=critter. I will be happy to supplement this by an explicit example if someone points me to an image of a foot print that is free to use.