[Tex/LaTex] footnotes and floats


I'm having some troubles with using footnotes inside floats.
I use \footnotemark and \footnotetext, but then the float is pushed to the next page, and the footnote remains in the previous one.

As a remedy, I've moved the \footnotetext couple of paragraphs later so now the footnote is located at the right place. BUT, now the numbering is incorrect — in those "in between" paragraphs there was another \footnote which have advanced the counter.

Since the float was pushed – the numbering is reverted now: the footnote in the float (that got the number n) appears after the next footnote (that was assigned to the number n+1, obviously).

Is there any way to fix that, other than manually changing the counters?

Best Answer

Usually it's best not to put footnotes inside floats; the minipage environment sets things up so you can have "local" footnotes for such occasions. E.g.,


The same advice holds for the quite common practice of putting notes for tables directly beneath them rather in footnotes on the page itself.

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