[Tex/LaTex] Footnote without numbering and without indention in beamer class


I am trying to generate a footnote without numbering AND without indention in the first footnote line when using the beamer class. My MWE is as follows:




        Body Text 


However, when trying to remove the indention with e.g.


which has been proposed in another thread the complete footnote disappears. Using the article class works just fine.

Best Answer

You can remove the extra space with a negative \hspace as in \footnotetext{\hspace{-16.5pt}\scriptsize#1}. The space -16.5pt is found by iteration, and might have to change for different templates.

I often try to have all extra things on a beamer page independent of the main text. So I would like a footnote to be placed without affecting the main text. This can be done by placing it using tikz and the coordinate current page. In my opinion, it looks better for shorter footnotes like references and some other things. (The case with \blindtext is too long and should probably not be used as a footnote). If you have more than one footnote on a frame you need to write them in the same command, since otherwise they will end up on top of each other. But on a beamer frame I don't thing that is a problem.

BTW I changed your \frame{...} to \begin{frame}...\end{frame}.


  \tikz[remember picture,overlay]
  \draw (current page.south west) +(1in + \oddsidemargin,0.5em)
  node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt]{\parbox{\textwidth}{%

  \frametitle{Test of footnote 1}
  Body Text 

  \frametitle{Test of footnote 2}
  Body Text 


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