[Tex/LaTex] footnote goes over margin


The second line of the footnote goes over the left margin. enter image description here

How can I achieve that the second line is in a line with the first line?


    author       = {Peter Farindon}, 
    title        = {The title of the work},
    booktitle    = {The title of the book},
    publisher    = {The name of the publisher},
    year         = 1993,
    pages     ={10},



    Let's cite!  \footcite{incollection} 

Best Answer

You can define the layout of the footnote with the following code added to the preamble:

    \setlength{\labelwidth}{1.5em}% <===================================
%   \setlength{\rightmargin}{0.2\textwidth}%

The command \setlength{\labelwidth}{1.5em} defines the length given to the foornote number you can change for your needs ...

The complete code


    author       = {Peter Farindon}, 
    title        = {The title of the work},
    booktitle    = {The title of the book},
    publisher    = {The name of the publisher},
    year         = 1993,
    pages     ={10},



    \setlength{\labelwidth}{1.5em}% <===================================
%   \setlength{\rightmargin}{0.2\textwidth}%

    Let's cite!  \footcite{incollection} 

gives you the result:

enter image description here

If you do not want the second line indentend on the left change \setlength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth} for example to \setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt} ...

Because you are writing in German please consider to use normal footnote numbers (have a look into the German Duden). To get that please add the line


after \makeatletter ...

Then you get with the complete code


    author       = {Peter Farindon}, 
    title        = {The title of the work},
    booktitle    = {The title of the book},
    publisher    = {The name of the publisher},
    year         = 1993,
    pages     ={10},



\renewcommand{\@makefnmark}{\hbox{\normalfont\@thefnmark}} % <==========
    \setlength{\labelwidth}{1.5em}% <===================================
%   \setlength{\rightmargin}{0.2\textwidth}%

    Let's cite!  \footcite{incollection} 

the result

enter image description here

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