[Tex/LaTex] Font installation in TeXShop on a Mac


I apologize for this being an extremely naive question, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around what the sources I've consulted so far are saying.

I'm writing a Beamer presentation in TeXShop, on a Mac running Lion. I've download some Optima fonts from CTAN at http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/urw/classico/ and would like to install them on my distribution, and then to use them in my document.

Can anyone help a fellow TeXer out with a simple, step-by-step guide of what to do here, from installing, to the appropriate command line to paste into my TeX document?

One confusing point is that I cannot seem to locate my texmf folder. If I go to ~/Library/texlive/2011, all I see there is something called temxf-var.

Many thanks ahead of time to anyone kind enough to take this on.

Best Answer

It is generally better to install fonts in your system-wide texmf-local folder rather than your personal texmf folder. In fact, TeXLive now has a simple script installed for installing the non-free fonts such as classico.

The really simple way

Open a Terminal window and type the following: (you should be logged in to an account with administrator privileges.)

sudo getnonfreefonts-sys classico

And you are done!

To use the font, add


to your document preamble to make Classico the sans serif default.

What the script is doing (the slightly more complicated way)

Effectively the script is simply downloading the font from CTAN and executing 3 commands. Here's a step by step version of what it does, which you can also do if you prefer. I also leave it in for fonts that are not installed by the script. I will begin from the assumption that you have downloaded the uop.zip file and it is in ~/Downloads.

Open a Terminal window and type the following:

sudo unzip ~/Downloads/uop.zip -d /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local

You will be asked for your password.

This should return the a whole bunch of lines reporting the unzipped files:

Archive:  uop.zip
  inflating: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/doc/fonts/urw/Public.htm  
  inflating: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/doc/fonts/urw/classico.txt  
   creating: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/fonts/type1/urw/optima/
  inflating: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/fonts/type1/urw/optima/uopb8a.pfb  
  inflating: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/fonts/type1/urw/optima/uopbi8a.pfb

  ... (lines deleted)   

   creating: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/uop/
  inflating: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/uop/8ruop.fd  
  inflating: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/uop/ot1uop.fd  
  inflating: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/uop/t1uop.fd  
  inflating: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/uop/ts1uop.fd

Next enter

sudo texhash

this will rebuild the file list database to reflect the added files. This command should return:

texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2011/../texmf-local/ls-R... 
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf/ls-R... 
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-config/ls-R... 
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/ls-R... 
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-var/ls-R... 
texhash: Done.

Next enter

sudo updmap-sys --enable Map=uop.map

This command will enable the font map files and produce a lot of output too:

Config file: "/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-config/web2c/updmap.cfg"
dvips output dir: "/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvips/updmap"
pdftex output dir: "/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap"
dvipdfm output dir: "/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap"
pxdvi output dir: "/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-var/fonts/map/pxdvi/updmap"

/usr/texbin/updmap is creating new map files
using the following configuration:
  LW35 font names                  : URWkb
  prefer outlines                  : true
  texhash enabled                  : true
  download standard fonts (dvips)  : true
  download standard fonts (pdftex) : true
  kanjiEmbed/variant replacement   : noEmbed/
  create a mapfile for pxdvi       : false

Scanning for LW35 support files  [  3 files]
Scanning for MixedMap entries    [ 44 files]
Scanning for KanjiMap entries    [  5 files]
Scanning for Map entries         [169 files]

Generating output for dvipdfm...
Generating output for ps2pk...
Generating output for dvips...
Generating output for pdftex...

Files generated:
       11499 2012-03-27 23:01:54 builtin35.map
       15962 2012-03-27 23:01:54 download35.map
      586252 2012-03-27 23:01:55 psfonts_pk.map
      847257 2012-03-27 23:01:55 psfonts_t1.map
      842824 2012-03-27 23:01:54 ps2pk.map
          14 2012-03-27 23:01:56 psfonts.map -> psfonts_t1.map
      842831 2012-03-27 23:01:56 pdftex_dl14.map
      841257 2012-03-27 23:01:55 pdftex_ndl14.map
          15 2012-03-27 23:01:56 pdftex.map -> pdftex_dl14.map
        5003 2012-03-27 23:01:54 kanjix.map

Transcript written on "/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-var/web2c/updmap.log".
/usr/texbin/updmap: Updating ls-R files.

Now you are done. Use as above.