[Tex/LaTex] Filling area between curve and circle using TikZ


The question is rather self-explaining. I have the picture below, and now I want to fill the two areas between the circle (arc) and the curves.



\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,every node/.style={circle,scale=.5,fill}]

\draw (0,0) ++(160:3) arc (160:-160:3);

\node (e1) at (160:3) {};
\node (e2) at (-160:3) {};

\draw(e1) -- node[fill=none,left,scale=2] {$e$} (e2);

\draw plot [smooth] coordinates {(160:3) (130:2) (110:2.5) (100:2.5) (90:3)};
\draw plot [smooth] coordinates {(40:3) (30:1) (-40:1.5) (-80:3)};


Best Answer

You can fill the area by drawing a closed path which is a combination of the curves and a corresponding arc.


    every node/.style={
    \draw (0,0) ++(160:3) arc (160:-160:3);

    \node (e1) at (160:3) {};
    \node (e2) at (-160:3) {};

    \draw(e1) -- node[fill=none,left,scale=2] {$e$} (e2);

    \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[smooth] coordinates {
    } arc[radius=3,start angle=90,end angle=160];
    \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[smooth] coordinates {
    } arc[radius=3,start angle=-80,end angle=40];

The choice of the fill color is of course left to you. The chosen one here is only for demonstration purposes.

enter image description here