[Tex/LaTex] Figures on left pages, text on right pages


I'm writing a thesis in the book document class and I'm using a lot of figures to explain the working method. If I use the method proposed in Figures on left pages, text on right ones with class book, numbering only on right pages, my professor made the comment that it feels strange to have the text on the left side. He asked if it could be figures on the left and text on the right side. I've tried to do that, but when i do that, my figures go to the next page. This is what I want:

l           l  bla bla,  l
l           l  bla bla   l
l  fig 1    l            l
l           l            l
l           l            l

but this is what I get:

l-----------l------------l   l-----------l------------l
l           l  bla bla,  l   l           l            l
l           l  bla bla,  l   l           l            l
l           l            l   l  fig1     l            l
l           l            l   l           l            l
l           l            l   l           l            l
l-----------l------------l   l-----------l------------l

Is there any possible method to get me the result I want? Or am I making a stupid fault somewhere?

PS: ow, the left page should be left blank if there's no figure.

@Ignasi: Yes that is what I want (if that is possible).

Best Answer

For that kind of layout I wouldn't use a floating figure. LaTeX's \cleardoublepage forces you on to an odd (right hand) page but you want to get on to the even page so

clearpage is

\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else

so first define

\def\cleartoevenpage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page


then you can go

\captionof{figure}{my caption}

and you have full control over the spread. \captionof is defined in the caption package or its one-line variant capt-of package.