[Tex/LaTex] Extra line of vertical separator using itemize in tabular


I'm creating a resume based off of the example tutorial HERE. It's fairly simple, actually — just a two columned table with dates on the left and job on the right. I prefer bullets vs. a paragraph for the explanations, and also liked the look of a vertical separator, so I tried to go with something like this:


\small{09/2008 -- Present} & \textbf{Title} \\
& Company Name Here $\cdot$ City, State
    \item Some stuff that I did to fill in a bullet.
    \item Some more stuff that I did just to make sure I have one example of a two
      line bullet here for variety's sake.
\end{itemize} \\

I'm using the enumitem package to play with itemize spacing, and this is the tabularx package. as recommended in the linked blog post.

I get an extra line of vertical separator in the table when I do this, like so (see how the separator carries down about a line after the text stops?):

I also tried switching to regular 'ol tabular but got the same results:


\small{09/2008 -- Present} & \textbf{Title} \\
& Company Name Here $\cdot$ City, State
    \item Some stuff that I did to fill in a bullet.
    \item Some more stuff that I did just to make sure I have one example of a two
      line bullet here for variety's sake.
\end{itemize} \\

Lastly, on a fluke, I had an extra end brace inserted in tabular and found a magic fix! Switching that \end{tabular} to \end{tabular}} gave some errors.

See the difference? I tried the same with tabularx (since it makes an easier time for specifying widths and such), but it doesn't even render the table with them present.

Any thoughts as to what's going on and how I can legitimately get rid of that extra line without "cheating"? In my skimming, I ran across people trying to get rid of top whitespace in tables (like HERE), but using the \compress trick didn't fix my problem either.

Best Answer

Not a real fix, but if you say, as the final lines of the itemize,

line bullet here for variety's sake.\vspace*{-\baselineskip}
\end{itemize} \\

you get rid of that vertical space.