[Tex/LaTex] Extendible equals sign


I have a command that has been floating around in my standard preamble for a while:


It is meant to mimic the AMS-LaTeX extendible arrow symbols \xleftarrow and \xrightarrow.

It's not perfect for two reasons:

  1. It does not take the optional lower argument like the AMS \xrightarrow[down]{up}
  2. The overlap of the constituent equals signs is slightly visible.

Does anyone have a better command or know of a package with such a command?

Best Answer

I think you can more or less copy the definitions from amsmath.sty:



\newcommand*{\xeq}[2][]{\ext@arrow 0055\Relbarfill@{#1}{#2}}


$a \xeq[uuuuu]{vvv} b$
