[Tex/LaTex] “esint” integrals with default limits


When I'm trying to set a normal volume integral with the esint package, it will be generated with the limits set right to it:

Default volume integral with esint

A corresponding example code for this is

  \[ \oiint_{O(V)} \]

What I'd like to archieve is something more like \oiint\limits_{O(V)} but without actually typing the limits-command as this should be the default behaviour in my document. The documentation provides no option similiar to the intlimits usable with amsmath.

Until now I used a really dirty hack with \re@DeclareMathSymbol. Is there another way or maybe another package that could help me?

Best Answer

There is not a similar package option for esint. But you can use the command \oiintlim defined as



  \[ \oiintlim_{O(V)} \]


enter image description here


Otherwise, it is very simple to create a new package extesint from the existing esint.

Save the following as extesint.sty where your document is (or somewhere in your TeX root and refresh the database):


Then, the following MWE works as expected


\[ \oiint_{O(V)} \]

Omitting intlimits or using nointlimits let it works as esint.