[Tex/LaTex] Errors with tocloft

table of contentstocloft

I'm trying to use tocloft to create a list of equations in the contents table of my thesis, but it's erroring when I compile the document. I've used \newcounter to define a new list of R scripts for the appendices, and it seems that this new counter is not compatible with tocloft.


  \captionsetup[table]{skip=4pt,font=footnotesize} %works with package{caption} to skip the height from the table, and to select 10pt as the text size 
  \captionsetup[figure]{skip=4pt,font=footnotesize} %works with package{caption} to skip the height from the table, and to select 10pt as the text size 

  \DeclareCaptionType{equationme}[][List of Equations] %this is a work-around to get a list of equations with page numbers in my contents page, however it adds a caption to my equations (not ideal!!)



 %this is the R bit............
  \textbf{Script~\theScript. #1} \rmfamily}{\medskip}


  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Equations}

  \caption[Earthquake magnitude affect on landsliding]{Relationship between earthquake magnitude and the potential area affected by landsliding as defined by \hilight{Keefer}, where A' is the potential area affected.}
      log_{10} \newsym{Potential area affected}{A'} = \newsym{Earthquake magnitude}{M}-3.46(\pm0.47)


While the list works fine for the equations, I don't want to have to have a caption above it… So can someone either tell me how to edit \captionsetup or how to get tocloft to work alongside the \newcounter{Script}[section] command as this is where I seem to be getting an error…

Error is:

Command \c@lotdepth already defined. \newcounter{lotdepth}

I really hope this makes sense as I'm going a little loopy right now!

Best Answer

The main problem is the loading order of subfig and tocloft.

subfig defines c@lotdepth by a \@nameuse statement - as such it's already defined at the time when tocloft tries to setup this new counter.

The same is true for c@lofdepth, leading to a similar error.

The other way round, using tocloft first before loading subfig poses no problem.

Another solution is to remove the loading of subfig -- it's apparently not used in the 'MWE'

(I also cleaned up the document, slightly)




% Unused
%\captionsetup[table]{skip=4pt,font=footnotesize} %works with package{caption} to skip the height from the table, and to select 10pt as the text size 
%\captionsetup[figure]{skip=4pt,font=footnotesize} %works with package{caption} to skip the height from the table, and to select 10pt as the text size 

\DeclareCaptionType{equationme}[][List of Equations] %this is a work-around to get a list of equations with page numbers in my contents page, however it adds a caption to my equations (not ideal!!)



% this is the R bit............
  \textbf{Script~\theScript. #1} \rmfamily}{\medskip}



\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Equations}

  \caption[Earthquake magnitude affect on landsliding]{Relationship between earthquake magnitude and the potential area affected by landsliding as defined by \hilight{Keefer}, where A' is the potential area affected.}
    log_{10} \newsym{Potential area affected}{A'} = \newsym{Earthquake magnitude}{M}-3.46(\pm0.47)


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