[Tex/LaTex] Error using tikz/pgf with font=\size (and minimal document class)


I'm having an issue with pgfplots/tikz when trying to change the font size for legends/nodes. Any command that contains "font=\size" fails (for example, "font=\small") with the error "Undefined control sequence \end{axis}".

Here is a MWE.


\usepackage{paralist,pst-func, pst-plot, pst-math, pstricks-add,pgfplots}


%\tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\small] % throws "Undefined control sequence \end{axis}"
%[legend style={font=\tiny}] % throws "Undefined control sequence \end{axis}"
\addplot[blue, ultra thick] (x,x*x);
\addlegendentry{ Class 1};

Best Answer

You are using minimal document class where font size commands will not be available (Refer this answer). Use some other class and things work:


\usepackage{paralist,pst-func, pst-plot, pst-math, pstricks-add,pgfplots}


[legend style={font=\tiny}] % works
\addplot[blue, ultra thick] (x,x*x);
\addlegendentry{ Class 1};

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