[Tex/LaTex] Error message pgfplots pgfkeyscurrentname


I would like to draw a pgfpicture and besides to it add some picture file.

Using the code below, I get the following error message:

Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/pgf/decoration/\p
gfkeyscurrentname ' and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you
misspelled it. See the pgfkeys package documentation for explanation.
Type H for immediate help. … l.97 \Item R 2pt (180:-40)

What do I have to correct or add in the following code?


        \usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} 



        % Shorthands

        % Theorem



          \draw (0cm,0cm) circle[radius=\Radius];
            -{Stealth[round, length=8pt, width=8pt, bend]},
            shorten >=4pt,
            very thin,
        %    \draw (0.315cm, -0.38cm) arc(-40-3:-40+3:\Radius);
            \draw (-\Radius, 0) arc(180+3:180-3:\Radius);
          % draw the two points 
            (-20:\Radius) circle[] node[below right] {$e+r$}
            (-40:\Radius) circle[] node[below right] {$0$}
            (-60:\Radius) circle[] node[below right] {$1$}
            (-80:\Radius) circle[] node[below right] {$...$}
            (-220:\Radius) circle[] node[below right] {$e-1$}
            (-240:\Radius) circle[] node[below right] {$e$}
                text along path,
                text align=center,
              (#3:\Radius-#2) arc(#3:#4:\Radius-#2)
          \Item R 2pt (180:-40)
          \Item E 1pt (180:300)
        (a) & (b) 
        \caption[Illustration]{some text}}


Best Answer

Add \usetikzlibrary{decorations.text} and remove the extra } you have after your \caption[]{}.

You might want to have a look at cleaning up your preamble a bit, you load several packages more than once.