[Tex/LaTex] Error: \caption outside float


When I add the following table (table1 shown below) I don't get any error, but when adding table2 (shown below) I get the error i)\caption outside float. \caption ii) Undefined control sequence \caption. What is the difference between these two table definitions? These two seems same to me.

latex code for table1 :

\begin{tabular}{| p{2.5cm}| p{2.5cm} | p{2.5cm} |}
\textbf{AAA} & \textbf{BBB} & \textbf{CCC} \\
DDD   & 111 & 333\\ \hline
EEE   & 222 & 444\\ \hline




latex code for table2:

\begin{tabular}{| p{2.5cm}| p{2.5cm} |}
\textbf{GGG} & \textbf{HHH} \\
III                    &              113\\ \hline
JJJ                    &              234\\ \hline
KKK                    &              345\\ \hline

Best Answer

The second table started with


instead of


meaning it missed a \ and that was what gave the error of a caption outside a float.