[Tex/LaTex] Empty List Environment


I created commands for resume fields. This is a simplified example of the desired outcome:
enter image description here

Currently, I have to create two separate commands to do this, one with \begin{itemize} and the other without, otherwise I get the error:

! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.

This is because the \begin{itemize} environment is empty in the second section.

Question: Is there a package or a way of using \begin{itemize} that allows the environment to be empty? For example:

    % This environment is empty.


\documentclass[pdftex, 10pt, letterpaper, oneside]{memoir}


\newcommand{\tabularEndSpacing}[0]{0.375 cm}

% I would like something like this for everything.
    \begin{tabular}{r | l}
            {\bfseries\scshape#2}, {\itshape#3}\\

% However, I am forced to create a second command that does not use itemize.
    \begin{tabular}{r | l}
            {\bfseries\scshape#2}, {\itshape#3}\\


% This works fine.
\withItemize{Jun 2013---Present}{Company Name}{Company Location}{Position at Company}{
    \item Comment 1
    \item Comment 2
    \item Comment 3

% This does not work.
%\withItemize{Jun 2013---Present}{School Name}{School Location}{Degree}{}

% Using the second command: This works fine.
\withoutItemize{Jun 2013---Present}{School Name}{School Location}{Degree}{}


Best Answer

Test whether #5 is empty. If it is do nothing, otherwise print an itemize environment.

  \begin{tabular}{r | l}
  \textbf{#2}, \textit{#3}\\

I've removed \scshape because fonts normally don't have a boldface small caps variant. Use one attribute for emphasis: either bold face or small caps.

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