[Tex/LaTex] Elsevier format 2 columns in Lyx


I would like to use Elsevier class to create paper in 2 column format as shown in authors guide: http://cdn.elsevier.com/assets/pdf_file/0011/109388/elsdoc.pdf (last page). I am using Lyx and kept the settings as follows: Document Settings->Document Class-> article(Elsevier).

I understand that there are various formats and it is easy for LaTex users as everything is explained in detail.
It would be really helpful if someone could please guide on 'how can I get the above mentioned format in Lyx'.
I have tried Text Layout->'Two-column Document' but everything gets jumbled up.

Best Answer

I figured the solution to add 2 columns from the hint by tohecz. People who want to create 2 columns need to just add: Document Class->(in) Custom (type-->) 5p (5p without brackets, quotes,etc.).