[Tex/LaTex] elsarticle document class: front matter parts are written one over another


We are about to submit a paper to Elsevier, but it seems that something is wrong (or we are doing it wrong) in the front matter. This is the code bit:

\author[FFNS]{One Author\corref{mycorrespondingauthor}}

\cortext[mycorrespondingauthor]{Correspondence should be addressed
to One Author, Laboratory for Something, Faculty of
Anotherthing, University of Thirdthing. Email: {\tt one.author@e.mail}}

And this is how it looks in pdf:

enter image description here

What is going on here?

Thanks to both darthbith and jean-sébastien-gosselin (but especially darthbith who kindly taught me some manners [ 😉 ]), I patiently made a minimal example, and then figured out what seems to be the problem. To explain the details, I am attaching two examples: one with short abstract (short tex;short pdf) and one with long abstract that spreads over the front and first page (long tex; long pdf).

In brief, in shortAbs I added \newpage at the beginning of the body, and that made the difference — neat, readable compilation. (Without \newpage pdf will still be compiled with that ugly error!) In longAbs, since abstract is over two pages, I did not figure out how to fix this.

Now, I can ask better questions, I suppose: if the abstract is long and you use elsarticle document class, how to make correspondence note and a note about journal and the date not to overlap?


Best Answer

The problem seems to originate from the use of linenumbers in the abstract environment as discussed here: Problem with elsarticle and lineno. A workaround would be to move the linenumbers command to the main body of the article such as in this MWE:


\usepackage{lipsum} % only for filler text

\journal{Some Journal}



        \title{Some Title}

        \author[FFNS]{One Author\corref{mycorrespondingauthor}}

        \cortext[mycorrespondingauthor]{Correspondence should be addressed
        to One Author, Laboratory for Something, Faculty of
        Anotherthing, University of Thirdthing. Email: {\tt one.author@e.mail}}

            \lipsum[1-3] % filler text          


    \lipsum[1-2] % filler text


Which yields a 2-pages article with the abstract spilling on 2 pages, without the overlapping text in the footer note. The lines of the abstract won't be numbered though.

enter image description here