[Tex/LaTex] Drawing random signal shape in tikz


Is it possible in tikz – in a simple way to draw a signal…

I am interested in drawing something like thisenter image description here

The shape of the signal does not matter… I just have to be able to draw the arrows and the text in between.

Regarding the meta post:

My intention with this post was never to have someone give me the full solution. I was only interested in possible ways a random signal could be created, which was given by the sine solution … I seen now that the title/question might have been misleading. Sorry for the troubles it might have caused you.

Best Answer

Pure TikZ solution:

enter image description here

       every edge/.style = {draw, Straight Barb-Straight Barb},
every edge quotes/.style = {fill=white,font=\footnotesize}
\draw[very thick,red, smooth,domain=9:101] plot (\x/10,rand);

\foreach \x in {1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10}
    \draw[dashed]  (\x,-1.1) -- ++ (0,2.2);

\draw   (3.0,-1.3) edge ["Frame step"] ++ (2,0)
        (5.0,-1.3) edge ["Overlap"] ++ (1,0)
        (1.0,-1.6) edge ["Frame 1"] ++ (3,0)
        (5.0,-1.6) edge ["Frame 3"] ++ (3,0)
        (3.0,-1.9) edge ["Frame 2"] ++ (3,0)
        (7.0,-1.9) edge ["Frame 4"] ++ (3,0);
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