[Tex/LaTex] Drawing neural network with tikz


I'm trying to draw a neural network diagram with tikz. I found this code online:

  matrix of nodes,
    inner sep=8.5pt
  nodes in empty cells,
  column sep=0.6cm,
  row sep=-11pt
\matrix[net] (mat)
|[plain]| \parbox{1cm}{\centering Input\\layer} & |[plain]| \parbox{1cm}{\centering Hidden\\layer} & |[plain]| \parbox{1cm}{\centering Output\\layer} \\
& |[plain]| \\
|[plain]| & \\
& |[plain]| \\
|[plain]| & |[plain]| \\
& & \\
|[plain]| & |[plain]| \\
& |[plain]| \\
|[plain]| & \\
& |[plain]| \\
\foreach \ai [count=\mi ]in {2,4,...,10}
  \draw[<-] (mat-\ai-1) -- node[above] {I\mi} +(-1cm,0);
\foreach \ai in {2,4,...,10}
{\foreach \aii in {3,6,9}
  \draw[->] (mat-\ai-1) -- (mat-\aii-2);
\foreach \ai in {3,6,9}
  \draw[->] (mat-\ai-2) -- (mat-6-3);
\draw[->] (mat-6-3) -- node[above] {O1} +(1cm,0);

\caption{ANN diagram for Speed Sign recognition.}

It produces the following image:

enter image description here

It has 5 input nodes but I want to generalize this drawing by having n nodes in each of the layers. So in input layer, number of node shown will be 4 with vertical '…' in middle, the hidden layer would contain 3 nodes with vertical '…' in middle and output would have 2 nodes with vertical '…' in middle. I want to maintain their conical shape. Something like this:

enter image description here

It is a really bad drawing, sorry about that, one can now imagine how bad I must be with tikz. The dots in middle are actually fully filled, in my drawing they are hollow. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Here, we a have a festival of \foreach:


  every neuron/.style={
    minimum size=1cm
  neuron missing/.style={
    text height=0.333cm,
    execute at begin node=\color{black}$\vdots$

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.5cm, y=1.5cm, >=stealth]

\foreach \m/\l [count=\y] in {1,2,3,missing,4}
  \node [every neuron/.try, neuron \m/.try] (input-\m) at (0,2.5-\y) {};

\foreach \m [count=\y] in {1,missing,2}
  \node [every neuron/.try, neuron \m/.try ] (hidden-\m) at (2,2-\y*1.25) {};

\foreach \m [count=\y] in {1,missing,2}
  \node [every neuron/.try, neuron \m/.try ] (output-\m) at (4,1.5-\y) {};

\foreach \l [count=\i] in {1,2,3,n}
  \draw [<-] (input-\i) -- ++(-1,0)
    node [above, midway] {$I_\l$};

\foreach \l [count=\i] in {1,n}
  \node [above] at (hidden-\i.north) {$H_\l$};

\foreach \l [count=\i] in {1,n}
  \draw [->] (output-\i) -- ++(1,0)
    node [above, midway] {$O_\l$};

\foreach \i in {1,...,4}
  \foreach \j in {1,...,2}
    \draw [->] (input-\i) -- (hidden-\j);

\foreach \i in {1,...,2}
  \foreach \j in {1,...,2}
    \draw [->] (hidden-\i) -- (output-\j);

\foreach \l [count=\x from 0] in {Input, Hidden, Ouput}
  \node [align=center, above] at (\x*2,2) {\l \\ layer};



Although it seems unwise to have n denote the number of nodes in each layer when they could be different and the arrangement of the diagram suggests they are not.

enter image description here