[Tex/LaTex] Drawing arrows along a function in pgfplots


How does one insert arbitary placed arrows along a curve/function
defined in pgfplots using the \plot command. I realise the last sentence became a tad long.. Below is a simple code for which I am trying to insert arrows, if I had
points to go after, I could have used something like Pgfplots: Drawing Arrows Along Contour Plots
or decorations. But this does not work here…

Earlier i asked the same question with the draw function Add arrows to a smooth tikz function, and obtained a really good answer.
However implementing the solution directly to the code under gives missfortunate 'stack overflow' error. To summarize

  • Is there a way to place a number of arrows a long a function / curve made with pgfplots?

Presumably with a similar syntax to

\draw plot ... [arrow inside={end=stealth,opt={scale=2}}{0.25,0.5,0.75}];

Here is one figure I am trying to add a few arrows too

    set arrow inside/.code={\pgfqkeys{/tikz/arrow inside}{#1}},
    set arrow inside={end/.initial=>, opt/.initial=},
        mark/.expanded=at position #1 with
            \noexpand\arrow[\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/arrow inside/opt}]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/arrow inside/end}}
    arrow inside/.style 2 args={
        set arrow inside={#1},
\draw node [circle] at (-1,0) {$z_0$};
\begin{scope}[very thick,rotate=45,decoration={
    mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{>}}}]
\draw[domain=0:6.28,samples=200,smooth,] plot (xy polar
cs:angle=\x r,radius=      {1-sin(2*\x r)}) ;


Best Answer

As you didn't answer my comment yet, I will just post my solution to the problem I think you are trying to solve.

You may just use the code, given in my answer to this question: Add arrows to a smooth tikz function Next you will need to remove the smooth statement, because it will interfere with decorate and give you nice errors like ? Dimension too large. This won't have an effect on the smoothness of your drawing, because you already use sufficiently many samples.


  set arrow inside/.code={\pgfqkeys{/tikz/arrow inside}{#1}},
  set arrow inside={end/.initial=>, opt/.initial=},
    mark/.expanded=at position #1 with
      \noexpand\arrow[\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/arrow inside/opt}]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/arrow inside/end}}
  arrow inside/.style 2 args={
    set arrow inside={#1},
  \draw node [circle] at (-1,0) {$z_0$};
  \begin{scope}[very thick,rotate=45]
    \draw[domain=0:6.28,samples=200] plot (xy polar cs:angle=\x r,radius={1-sin(2*\x r)}) [arrow inside={}{0.25,0.5,0.75}];


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