[Tex/LaTex] Drawing an empty chess board with good portability


I would like to make chess board, which will be empty.
I would like that it can be compiled using PDFLATEX on most tex/texlive/…
I would like that the lines for black squares are sort of lines (diagonal), as in the example.

The usual starting code is this one:

    \foreach \x in {0,...,7} \foreach \y in {0,...,7}
        \pgfmathparse{mod(\x+\y,2) ? "black" : "white"}
        \path[fill=\colour] (\x,\y) rectangle ++ (1,1);
    \draw (0,0)--(0,8)--(8,8)--(8,0)--cycle;

Best regards

enter image description here

Best Answer

Just in case you need uppercase labels, here is the PSTricks solution.

    \foreach \i in {0,1,...,7}{
        \rput(!\i\space .5 add -.5){\char\numexpr\i+65}
        \rput(!-.5 \i\space .5 add){\the\numexpr\i+1}

enter image description here

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