[Tex/LaTex] Drawing a Petersen graph as a voltage graph


I am trying to illustrate a voltage graph construction of the Petersen graph. In practice, this means:

  • The outer cycle will be labelled clockwise (a,0),…,(a,4) with arcs oriented in that order;
  • The inner cycle will be labelled clockwise (b,0),…,(b,4) with arcs (b,0) -> (b,2), (b,1) -> (b,3), (b,2) -> (b,4) and (b,3) -> (b,0); and
  • Each (a,i) will be joined to the corresponding (b,i) (in that direction).

I can almost accomplish this using the grpetersen macro and the following code:

\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=triangle 45,rotate=90,scale=1.2,style=thick]
%  \SetUpEdge{style={->-}}

However, the arcs on the outer cycle are oriented in the wrong direction, and I cannot see how to change them without changing the other, correctly-oriented arcs.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

It is part of tkzgraph/berge – refer to Altermundus' "Plotting named graphs". Here is a minimal document containing the above code.

\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=triangle 45,rotate=90,scale=1.2,style=thick]
%  \SetUpEdge{style={->-}}

Best Answer

Here perhaps a solution. I modified my macro that I defined in tkz-berge.sty. The better way is to learn tkz-berge or to learn tikz to create your own macros. You can find some ideas inside the code of tkz-berge but you also look at the document NamedGraphs to find some examples NamedGraphs

Remark :tkz-berge loads tkz-graph and tikz



\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=triangle 45,rotate=90,scale=1.2,style=thick]

enter image description here

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