[Tex/LaTex] Drawing a horizontal \rule through the middle of a line


How can I do something like \noindent\rule{\linewidth}{0.25mm}
but in a way that doesn't leave a big gap before it?
Currently it's kind of like \bottomrule, almost as if it skips a line. I want it to be more like \midrule, so it runs through the middle of where the text would usually be. It's not a table or tabular environment, so I can't really use those.

I'm using it to create strong visible separators between three distinct stanzas, paragraphs, or similar text blocks. I wouldn't usually do so, but it's a special situation.

Here's a comparison. Looking at them now, neither are really what I want.
I want them to be a bit of each. So, usually theres a blank line between two paragraphs, right? Well i want to draw a line directly down the middle of that empty line. So the gap is symmetrically divided. I know it's a tiny thing, but with a word processor it would be relatively simple adjustment.



    \section{I'm a Heading}
    $$i^{(m)} = \frac{A_n}{\sum{q(uation)}}$$


enter image description here



    \section{I'm a Heading}
    $$i^{(m)} = \frac{A_n}{\sum{q(uation)}}$$


enter image description here

Best Answer

You can use vcenter to make sure the rule is perfectly centered on the center-line rather than the baseline and use an \hrule of height 0.25mm.


\newcommand\separator{\par\vskip-\lastskip\noindent$\vcenter{\hfil\hrule height .25mm}$\par}


Some paragraph ..
Some other paragraph ..

Now with \verb|enumerate|:
\item First item 
\item Second item
\item Third item
\item First item 
\item Second item
\item Third item


enter image description here