[Tex/LaTex] Draw isosceles triangle with angles and stuff in TikZ



\draw [line width=1pt, fill=yellow!2] (-1,-3.5) -- (9,-3.5) -- (9,3.5) --     (-1,3.5) -- cycle;

\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (8,-2);
\coordinate (C) at (8,2);

\draw [line width=1.5pt, fill=white] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;


Ok well, I neeeeeed your help. How do I draw this piece in TikZ?I need to draw this thing in LateX

I tried things with arc but I have no idea how to draw the lines in the triangle. Thanks in advance for your help.

enter image description here

Best Answer

pure tikz solution:

\documentclass[tikz, border=3mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{angles, arrows.meta,

my angle/.style = {draw,very thin, Straight Barb-Straight Barb,
                   angle radius=5mm,
                   angle eccentricity=0.75,
                   } % angle label position!
\coordinate[label= left:A] (A);
\coordinate[label=right:B] (B) at ( 7.5:8);
\coordinate[label=right:C] (C) at (-7.5:8);
\draw[gray] (10:8) arc (10:-10:8);
\draw[name path=b1, line width=1pt] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
\pic [my angle, "$\gamma$"]   {angle = A--B--C};
\path[name path=a1] (C) -- + (37.5+90:2.5);
\draw[name intersections={of=a1 and b1, by={B'}}]
            (C) -- (B') node[above] {B'};
\pic [my angle, "$\alpha$"]   {angle = C--B'--B};
\path[name path=a2] (B') -- + (7.5+240:2);
\draw[name intersections={of=a2 and b1, by={notused,C'}}]
            (B') -- (C') node[below] {C'};;
\pic [my angle, "$\alpha$"] {angle = C'--B'--C};
\path[name path=a3] (C') -- + (7.5+90:2);
\draw[name intersections={of=a3 and b1, by={B''}}]
            (C') -- (B'') node[above] {B''};
\pic [my angle, "$\alpha$"] {angle = B''--B'--C'};
\pic [my angle, "$\cdot$"]  {angle = A--B''--C'};
\pic [my angle, "$\beta$"]  {angle = C--C'--B'};
\pic [my angle, "$\beta$"]  {angle = B''--C'--A};

enter image description here