[Tex/LaTex] Double \prec as a single symbol


We have < and \ll. What about double \prec, i.e. something like \prec\prec but with spacing as in \ll?

Remark. I could not find an answer in http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html or http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/symbols/comprehensive/. I am not interested, how to construct this symbol from two \prec's (I know how to reduce the distance), but I am searching for a symbol from some package, even so strange as MnSymbol.

Best Answer

The mathb font (from mathabx) has an \llcurly and a \ggcurly symbols. Here is how to use them without loading the whole package:


<-6> mathb5 <6-7> mathb6 <7-8> mathb7
<8-9> mathb8 <9-10> mathb9
<10-12> mathb10 <12-> mathb12

\[ a \llcurly b \quad a \ggcurly b \]


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