[Tex/LaTex] Double head and hook arrow


It is quite easy to generate an arrow with a double head and a hooked tail using tikz-cd, but I would quite like a way to do this inline. I can't find a specific LaTeX command (I've read through a lot of those 'list of all symbols' lists). Does anybody have any suggestions?

Best Answer

Set a hook arrow, back up and set a standard arrow:




$A \hookdoubleheadrightarrow B_{A \hookdoubleheadrightarrow B}$


enter image description here

Extensible version:



  \ext@arrow 0359\rightarrowfill@ {#1}{#2}%


$A \hookdoubleheadrightarrow B_{A \hookdoubleheadrightarrow B}$

$A \xhookdoubleheadrightarrow{aaaaaa} B$


enter image description here

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