[Tex/LaTex] Does the \bibliography command add a page break afterward


I am trying to add an entry from my .bib file into a document. After the \bibliography command is issued, the following sections starts in a new page. I have looked around but have not been able to find out about page breaks after the References section, given that the usual expected place for it is at the end of the document.

Why is the page break happening and how can I prevent it?

My document structure is dead simple:

\title{Author (year): Name of the article I am reviewing}

New info
Furthermore, I am compiling to PDF on MacTeX TeXLive 2009 on AucTeX 11.86. Using the fullpage package does not change the behavior, so I commented it out. I just started my document skeleton, so this is, literally, all I have at the time.

The page break disappears if I write anything under any of the sections 2 through 4 (2 through 8 using the fullpage package. With this new information, I don't expect the page break to be a problem anymore. However, I am still interested in knowing why this is happening.

Best Answer

LaTeX strongly discourages page breaks after section headings. By writing \section* nine times without adding "normal" text after any of these headings, you practically forced LaTeX to add a page break after the last bibliography entry (which counts as "normal" text). Writing anything after a section heading adds a desirable page break afterwards.