[Tex/LaTex] Does a symbol for “married” exist in some package or font


I would like to write something like Bride-name \rings{} groom-name in my text and wonder, if a symbol for rings already exist. Maybe somewhere around the symbols for "born" or "deceased" or other formal symbols such a two-rings symbol exist.

I am looking for two rings, horizontally aligned and intersecting each other. I guess, a knot-like behaviour as seen here would be nice, in order to distinguish it from \infty or similar.

Here is some code to play around with. I tried using the Olympic rings, but failed. But I guess, someone knows a symbol which is already written.

\documentclass[twoside=true, paper=A5]{scrartcl}
\setmainfont{EB Garamond}
\setdefaultlanguage[spelling=new, babelshorthands=true]{german}




\title{Bride-name \begin{tikzpicture}
     \path[draw=white,line width=.08cm,
     fill=Schrift,even odd rule]
     (1, 0) circle (0.18cm)
     (1, 0) circle (0.05cm);
     \path[draw=white,line width=.08cm,
     fill=Schrift,even odd rule]
     (1.2, 0) circle (0.18cm)
     (1.2, 0) circle (0.05cm);
\end{tikzpicture} Groom-name}


Best Answer

Here is a tikz implementation which draws two interlocked rings. I defined a macro \married to simplify its insertion at the appropiate place.

% Used the same colors you defined in your example
\definecolor{ring color}{rgb}{0.31,0.31,0.34}
\definecolor{border color}{rgb}{0.85,0.8627,0.839}

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1ex, y=1ex, scale=0.5, baseline=-.6ex]
\clip (-2,-.2) rectangle ++(5.5,2.2);
\path[draw=border color,line width=.08ex,
     fill=ring color,even odd rule]
     (0, 0) circle (2ex)
     (0, 0) ellipse (1.5ex and 1.3ex);
\path[draw=border color,line width=.08ex,
     fill=ring color,even odd rule]
     (1.5, 0) circle (2ex)
     (1.5, 0) ellipse (1.5ex and 1.3ex);
\clip (-2,-2) rectangle ++(5.5,2.2);
\path[draw=border color,line width=.08ex,
     fill=ring color,even odd rule]
     (1.5, 0) circle (2ex)
     (1.5, 0) ellipse (1.5ex and 1.3ex);
\path[draw=border color,line width=.08ex,
     fill=ring color,even odd rule]
     (0, 0) circle (2ex)
     (0, 0) ellipse (1.5ex and 1.3ex);

Used as in:

\title{Bride-name \married{} Groom-name}

When inserted in your document, which uses special fonts and background color, it results in:


You can play with the scale option to increase or reduce the size, and with the baseline option to adjust the vertical alignment. Of course you can change colors too:

\colorlet{ring color}{orange!50!yellow!80!black}
\colorlet{border color}{Front!70!white}

Other colors