[Tex/LaTex] Display math gets typeset as inline math


When typesetting the below annotated equation my summations are being typeset as inline maths rather than display maths.
Inline sumations, curse you!

  • If I wrap the sum and subscript with \smashoperator{} then they are typeset correctly as display math again.
  • I've tried multiple outermost wrappers for the array of arrays,
    • \begin{equation},
    • \begin{align} starred and unstarred,
    • \[ ... \],
    • \begin{gather}.

I'm aware of the existance of the \displaystyle macro, I don't want to set it globally if at all posible, I have inline maths elsewhere in my document. In all honesty I'd like to find out what I'm doing wrong and fix that rather than stick a macro in there to fix my poor tex-ing).

I compile my document with LuaLaTeX, MWE follows.

   \begin{array}{ll} % array to ensure the force field and the braces are aligned, as the non-bonded terms are a little wider than the bonded.
      \begin{array}{rcl} % bonded terms.
         U  &=& \sum_{\text{bonds},\, i} K_{b,i} \left( b_i - b_{0,i} \right)^2 \\
            &+& \sum_{\text{angles},\, i} K_{\theta,i} \left( \theta_i - \theta_{0,i} \right)^2 \\
            &+& \sum_{\text{dihedrals},\, i}%
               K_{\phi,i} \left( 1 - \cos\left( n\phi_i - \phi_{0,i} \right) \right) \\
            &+& \sum_{%
               \substack{\text{improper},\, i\\ \text{dihedrals}}%
               } K_{\omega,i} \left( \omega_i - \omega_{0,i} \right)^2 \\
   & \left. \vphantom{% Phantom content to make brace correct size. \left. \right\} Havent worked when across two columns in array...
                  U  &=& \sum_{\text{bonds},\, i} K_{b,i} \left( b_i - b_{0,i} \right)^2 \\
                     &+& \sum_{\text{angles},\, i} K_{\theta,i} \left( \theta_i - \theta_{0,i} \right)^2 \\
                     &+& \sum_{\text{dihedrals},\, i}%
                        K_{\phi,i} \left( 1 - \cos\left( n\phi_i - \phi_{0,i} \right) \right) \\
                     &+& \sum_{%
                        \substack{\text{improper},\, i\\ \text{dihedrals}}%
                        } K_{\omega,i} \left( \omega_i - \omega_{0,i} \right)^2 \\
   \right\} \text{bonded} \\
   \begin{array}{rcl} % non-bonded terms.
      \hphantom{U}   &+& \sum_{\text{atoms},\, i,j} \epsilon_{ij}%
                              \frac{ r^{min}_{ij} } { r_{ij} }%
                           -2 \left(%
                              \frac{ r^{min}_{ij} }{ r_{ij} }%
                        \right] \\
                     &+& \sum_{\text{atoms},\, i,j}%
                        \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0\epsilon_r}\frac{q_i q_j}{ r_{ij} }
   & \left. \vphantom{% Phantom content to make brace correct size. \left. \right\} Havent worked when across two columns in array...
               \begin{array}{rcl} % non-bonded terms.
                  \phantom{U} &+& \sum_{\text{atoms},\, i,j} \epsilon_{ij}%
                                       \frac{ r^{min}_{ij} } { r_{ij} }%
                                    -2 \left(%
                                       \frac{ r^{min}_{ij} }{ r_{ij} }%
                                 \right] \\
                              &+& \sum_{\text{atoms},\, i,j}%
                                 \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0\epsilon_r}\frac{q_i q_j}{ r_{ij} }
   \right\} \text{non-bonded}


Best Answer

You can add \displaystyle to the columns you like in your array:

% arara: pdflatex


    U  =& \sum_{\mathclap{\text{bonds},\,i}} K_{b,i} ( b_i - b_{0,i})^2 \\
    &+ \sum_{\mathclap{\text{angles},\, i}} K_{\theta,i} ( \theta_i - \theta_{0,i} )^2 \\
    &+ \sum_{\mathclap{\text{dihedrals},\, i}}  K_{\phi,i} \bigl( 1 - \cos( n\phi_i - \phi_{0,i} ) \bigr) \\
    &+ \mathrlap{\sum_{\mathclap{\substack{\text{improper},\, i\\ \text{dihedrals}}}} K_{\omega,i} ( \omega_i - \omega_{0,i} )^2 }
    \hphantom{U =}
    &+\sum_{\mathclap{\text{atoms},\,i,j}}\epsilon_{ij}\Biggl[\biggl(\frac{r^{\min}_{ij}}{r_{ij}}\biggr)^{12}-2\biggl(\frac{r^{\min}_{ij}}{r_{ij}}\biggr)^6\Biggr] \\
    &+\sum_{\mathclap{\text{atoms},\, i,j}}(4\pi\epsilon_0\epsilon_r)^{-1}\frac{q_i q_j}{ r_{ij}}

enter image description here

If you were just concerned about the limits of your sum-symbols, you could add the command \limits to each of them. Safes you some space.

U =&\sum\limits_{\mathclap{\text{bonds},\,i}} K_{b,i} ( b_i - b_{0,i})^2 \\
&+ \sum\limits_{\mathclap{\text{angles},\, i}} K_{\theta,i} ( \theta_i - \theta_{0,i} )^2 \\
&+ \sum\limits_{\mathclap{\text{dihedrals},\, i}}   K_{\phi,i}\bigl( 1 - \cos( n\phi_i - \phi_{0,i} ) \bigr) \\
&+ \mathrlap{\sum\limits_{\mathclap{\substack{\text{improper},\, i\\ \text{dihedrals}}}} K_{\omega,i} ( \omega_i - \omega_{0,i} )^2 }
\hphantom{U =}
&+\sum\limits_{\mathclap{\text{atoms},\,i,j}}\epsilon_{ij}\biggl[\Bigl(\frac{r^{\min}_{ij}}{r_{ij}}\Bigr)^{12}-2\Bigl(\frac{r^{\min}_{ij}}{r_{ij}}\Bigr)^6\biggr] \\
&+\sum\limits_{\mathclap{\text{atoms},\, i,j}}(4\pi\epsilon_0\epsilon_r)^{-1}\frac{q_i q_j}{ r_{ij}}

This would look like

enter image description here

However, personally I would not set such things as an array, as those are meant for matrices and alike. You could just nest two aligned which will result in display style as well.

U  ={}& \sum_{\mathclap{\text{bonds},\,i}} K_{b,i} ( b_i - b_{0,i})^2 \\
&+ \sum_{\mathclap{\text{angles},\, i}} K_{\theta,i} ( \theta_i - \theta_{0,i} )^2 \\
&+ \sum_{\mathclap{\text{dihedrals},\, i}}  K_{\phi,i} \bigl( 1 - \cos( n\phi_i - \phi_{0,i} ) \bigr) \\
&+ \mathrlap{\sum_{\mathclap{\substack{\text{improper},\, i\\ \text{dihedrals}}}} K_{\omega,i} ( \omega_i - \omega_{0,i} )^2 }
\hphantom{U ={}}
&+\sum_{\mathclap{\text{atoms},\,i,j}}\epsilon_{ij}\Biggl[\biggl(\frac{r^{\min}_{ij}}{r_{ij}}\biggr)^{12}-2\biggl(\frac{r^{\min}_{ij}}{r_{ij}}\biggr)^6\Biggr] \\
&+\sum_{\mathclap{\text{atoms},\, i,j}}(4\pi\epsilon_0\epsilon_r)^{-1}\frac{q_i q_j}{ r_{ij}}

You can see that the vertical spacing is much more pleasant (but you could treat that manually for all cases, of course):

enter image description here

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