[Tex/LaTex] Different vertical alignment of text in 4-column table (tabularx)

celltablestabularxvertical alignment

I'm newbie in TeX, so I've decided to ask for some help.

I'm working on technical documentation for my job and I need to create a 4-column table, where text in first two columns top-aligned and centered horizontally, last two aligned with last string of second column. But I can't achieve this.

I've tried this: Align text at the bottom of the table cell

and this: Vertical alignment in tabular cells with variable height

But the closest result which I able to obtain is:

enter image description here

So, last three columns is OK, first one – not, it should be top-aligned.

I was successful to overcome this by usage of \multirow environment, but it's should be implemented individually to rows. If' I'll do this for long tables – it'll make me insane. I want one fixed style in preamble, if it's possible.

Here is my table in main body:

    %russian technichal standart documentation class
     \documentclass[russian, 14pt, utf8, columnsxxiv, columnxxxi, columnxxxii, pointsection, hpadding = 10mm]{eskdtext}

     %%%For working of eskdx, also cyrillic

     %%%set TNR as main font
     \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman}

     %%%Additional position options

     %%%advanced tables

     %%%redefine command for № -symbol, because eskdx quite old package


     Наименование & Основные технические данные & Кол., шт. & Примечание  \\ 
     text text text text text text text & text text text text text text text text text text& {1} & text  \\ 


I'll appreciate any help!

Best Answer

As far as I understand your request, the following solves the problem (sorry for poor representation of Russian language by Latin characters):



 %    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{a|d|s|Y}
     Naimenovanije& Osnovnyje tehniceskije dannyje & Kol.,   &sht. Primechanije  \\ 
     text text text text text text text & text text text text text text text 
     text text text & {1} & text  \\ 


enter image description here