[Tex/LaTex] Different types of boxes/frames around the title of the pdf


Can someone tell me how to create boxes around the title of my PDF? I'm thinking about something like this:

enter image description here

where I can write stuff around the title (which is "test test…").

Best Answer

I'm pretty sure that the font formatting options contains some basic mistakes but here is an attempt to make simple title page.

\node[align=center,draw,thick,minimum width=\textwidth,inner sep=6mm] (titlebox)%
{\textsc{\large Mathematical Minutae}\\[\baselineskip]\textbf{\huge Test Test Test Test}};
\node[fill=white] (W) at (titlebox.north) {\bfseries \Huge W};
\node (feat) at ([yshift=9mm]titlebox.north) {\textsc{\Large Feature}};

which gives: enter image description here

I didn't understand quite the last sentence in which you wrote around the title, but I hope I got it right.

By the way, I would like to mention whenever I can that I am looking forward to the highly anticipated work of Altermundus, pgfvectorian package, on carrying ornaments of psvectorian goodies to TikZ/PGF, (I think it is a wonderful attempt to even consider it). So we can even put more beautiful stuff instead of plain boxes (not that it is ugly but it's always to have moar options).

EDIT A simple macro to have some more automation

\node[align=center,draw,thick,text width=\textwidth,inner sep=6mm] (titlebox)%
{\textsc{\large Mathematical Minutae}\\[\baselineskip]\textbf{\huge #1}};
\node[fill=white] (W) at (titlebox.north) {\bfseries \Huge W};
\node (feat) at ([yshift=9mm]titlebox.north) {\textsc{\Large Feature}};

\vspace*{30mm}% This introduces some space you can remove or change it.
\titlebox{My title test is a test that tests \\ my title} % An example use

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