[Tex/LaTex] Different types of ampersand symbols


So I'm aware that \& can be used to produce the traditional ampersand symbol, however I would like to use the type of ampersand symbol which looks something like a cursive E, here is a picture:

enter image description here

Does anyone know a package which has this symbol?

Best Answer

You've indicated in a comment that you use Times (New) Roman as your text font. Most Times Roman-like fonts do not provide a "swashy" ampersand character, but the newtx font package does. :-) The following MWE shows both the italic and "normal" form of the character that's produced by this font family:

enter image description here

\textit{\&} vs.\ \&

Addendum If the character shown above is not "swashy" enough for your taste you could try a font such as Palatino or Caslon. (The screenshot you provided in your posting would seem to come from the font Adobe Caslon Pro.) Note that some of the swashy ampersands employ a fancy combination of an uppercase E and a lowercase t, whereas others consist of an equally fancy combination of a lowercase e and a lowercase t.

enter image description here

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman} \textit{\&}
\setmainfont{Palatino nova} \textit{\&}
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella} \textit{\&} % a Palatino clone
\setmainfont{Adobe Caslon Pro} \textit{\&}
\setmainfont{EB Garamond} \textit{\&}

\setmainfont{Garamond Premier Pro} \textit{\&}
\setmainfont{ITC Galliard Std} \textit{\&}
\setmainfont{Junicode} \textit{\&}

(To compile the preceding MWE use either XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX; pdfLaTeX won't work. Of course, you'll also have to have the various fonts installed on your system.)

And, if you have access to Zapfino you can choose from seven [7!] different variants of &:

% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
\addfontfeature{Variant=1} \&
\addfontfeature{Variant=2} \&
\addfontfeature{Variant=3} \&
\addfontfeature{Variant=4} \&
\addfontfeature{Variant=5} \&
\addfontfeature{Variant=6} \&
\addfontfeature{Variant=7} \&

enter image description here