[Tex/LaTex] Different margins for document title only


I am trying to follow the formatting requirements for a specific conference which state that the document title must have 1.5 inch left and right margins while the rest of the paper must have 1 inch margins.

I have tried the solution shown here: Different margins for title page

However, I need the text following the title to be on the same page as the title. How can I get different margins for the document title and the document text while both appear on the same page?



\title{A long title that wraps onto a second line to show where the margin is}
\author{\normalsize Author A. Name\\\normalsize email@example.com\\\normalsize Awesome Department\\\normalsize Big Deal University}






Best Answer

You can use \newgeometry, \restoregeometry from the geometry package; a little example:



\lipsum[1-5]% your title information here
\lipsum[1-5]% your document here


enter image description here

The answer above assumed that the titling infomation should appear on a page of its own; after the edit to the original question it is clear that this is not the case; the titling information is produced using \maketitle and the document text should begin immediately afterwards.

In this case, the adjustwidth environment from the changepage package can be used; a patching of \@maketitle does the job:


\title{A long title that wraps onto a second line to show where the margin is; some more text}
\author{\normalsize Author A. Name\\\normalsize email@example.com\\\normalsize Awesome Department\\\normalsize Big Deal University}





enter image description here

The showframe option was used only to have a visual guideline.

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