[Tex/LaTex] Description list aligned right

cvdescriptionhorizontal alignment

I'm just Learning LaTeX and I don't know if there are better ways to do it, but I tried do do a nice CV layout using the description list and encountered the problem that when starting a newline within an item, an undesired indent appears.

I don't know how to align the new line to the margin without moving the first line of the item.

Here my code:



\begin{description}[align=right] %Title
\item[\underline{{\Large Title}}]  

\begin{description}[align=right] %Info
\item[Item 1] Some words
\item[Item 2] Other words
\item[Item 3] Different words 
\newline More words belonging to item 3



Here also a picture:
enter image description here

Many thanks in advance!

P.S. is there any particular way of learning LaTeX that you recommend? e.g. some books guides or websites?

Best Answer

Here is another possibility: another environment, rdescription, using eqparbox so that the labelwidth is the length of the longest label in the document:

\usepackage{eqparbox, etoolbox}


\renewcommand*\descriptionlabel[2][Des]{\hspace\labelsep\eqmakebox[Des][r]{\hfill\normalfont\bfseries #2}}\setlist[rdescription]{leftmargin =\dimexpr\eqboxwidth{Des}+\labelsep}}%



    \item[Item 12000] Some words
    \item[Item 2] Other words
    \item[Item 250] Different words
    \newline More words belonging to item 3

  \item[Item 1] Some words
  \item[Item 2] Other words
  \item[Item 250] Different words
  \newline More words belonging to item 3


enter image description here