[Tex/LaTex] Default values in \newcommand & renewing \maketitle


I am working on customizing a thesis document class according to my needs.
I am trying to renew the \maketitle command to modify my title page, and I am facing two problems:

  1. I wish to define a newcommand for the logo in the title page. If there is no user-defined parameter, a default value called "logo.pdf" should be passed to the \includegraphics command to load the default logo.


    Is this correct?

  2. There seems to be some problem with my class file, as I keep getting the Undefined control sequence in \maketitle error. Below is my document class:


\ProvidesClass{mythesis}[2013/07/25 v1.0 My thesis class]

\RequirePackage{graphicx} % needed for logo and pictures

\newcommand{\college}[1][My School]{{#1}}
\newcommand{\degree}[1][My degree]{{#1}}
\newcommand{\university}[1][My university]{{#1}}


        {\Huge {\bfseries {\@title}} \par}
        {\large \vspace*{10mm} {\@logo \par} \vspace*{15mm}}
        {{\Large \bf \@author} \par}
        {\large \vspace*{1ex} {{\@college} \par}
        {\large \@university \par}
        {\Large \it {\@degree} \par}



\title{My research}
\author{My name}

Any help on this is appreciated.
P.S.: I am a newbie, especially in document class creation.

Best Answer

Both your problems are addressed in the below provided edited class file:

\ProvidesClass{mythesis}[2013/07/25 v1.0 My thesis class]

\RequirePackage{graphicx} % needed for logo and pictures

\newcommand{\college}[1][My School]{\gdef\@college{#1}}
\newcommand{\degree}[1][My degree]{\gdef\@degree{#1}}
\newcommand{\university}[1][My university]{\gdef\@university{#1}}



Some points:

  1. \makeatletter and \makeatother is not required in class and style files. If you give one, then it is not a problem.
  2. See \@logo defined above. It will be taken as default if you did not provided \logo command in your TeX file, otherwise \logo command will redefine \@logo with the new file you had given in the TeX file.
  3. Commands like \@logo, \@college, \@degree, \@university etc were not defined inside \maketitle which were causing the error. I have added those in their respective macros.
  4. Commands such as \it, \bf, \sl etc are now obsolete and we need to use \itshape, \bfseries, \slshape etc.

Otherwise, its a great way to start with!