[Tex/LaTex] \def macro with multiple parameters

macrosoptional arguments

I'm trying to tweak a style file, I have a 'def' as follows:

\def\logo#1{\gdef\@logo{#1}} \gdef\@logo{}

Inside of a custom 'make title':


I'm new to Tex/Macros, I was just wondering how I can add the scale parameter to the 'logo' def macro? i.e. I'd like to fully parameterise the call to \includegraphics.

As per below, I've added the logo into the 'maketitle', on a simple style, not sure if there is a better way to do that?


%% title
   \vskip -3em


      {\Large \bf \@title \par}\vspace*{24pt}{
        \lineskip 1em
            \@author \\
      \vskip 1em

Best Answer

Macro \logo can be defined with an optional parameter that takes the options for \includegraphics:


Usage for \includegraphics:


The options need to be expanded first, because the syntax characters comma and equal sign for the key value list must not be hidden inside macros.

Example for \logo:



\logo[width=2cm, angle=90]{example-image-a}
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