[Tex/LaTex] Dealing with Long Table head entries


As seen below, my goal is to save some space. For example,


enter image description here

The code i'm using to generate the table is:

Algorithm & Dataset &  Applied Model (\%) & Definition of data  (\%) & Overall Assumptions (\%)  \\ \hline 
\multirow{3}{*}{Logistic MODEL} & + & 63.6 & 98 &  95.3937  \\ 
 & - & 68.1 & 95.5 & 95.4757   \\
 & - & 100 & 100 & 99.1935 \\ \hline

Best Answer

You can use \multicolumn to override the column specification and then put the header text inside a \parbox (I centered the text inside each \parbox, but this is, of course, optional); the following modification of your code illustrates this approach:


  \multicolumn{1}{l}{\parbox{#1}{\centering #2}}


    Algorithm & Dataset & \MyHead{1.3cm}{Applied\\ Model (\%)} 
      & \MyHead{1.5cm}{Definition\\ of data  (\%)}
      & \MyHead{2.2cm}{Overall\\ Assumptions (\%)}  \\
    \multirow{3}{*}{\parbox{1cm}{Logistic\\ MODEL}} & + & 63.6 & 98 &  95.3937  \\ 
    & $-$ & 68.1 & 95.5 & 95.4757   \\
    & $-$ & 100 & 100 & 99.1935 \\ 


EDIT: another option would be to manually split the header text using several rows:



    Algorithm & Dataset & Applied  & Definition & Overall  \\ 
    & & Model (\%) & of data (\%) & Assumptions (\%)  \\
    \multirow{3}{*}{\parbox{1cm}{Logistic\\ MODEL}} & + & 63.6 & 98 &  95.3937  \\ 
    & $-$ & 68.1 & 95.5 & 95.4757   \\
    & $-$ & 100 & 100 & 99.1935 \\ 


Note that I took the liberty to use some of the features provided by the booktabs package; of course, this suggestion is completely optional.

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