[Tex/LaTex] customizing part style


I'm trying to custom my part style, how could I customize it like below picture?enter image description here

Best Answer

Here an approach with report class, as mentioned by @JohnKormylo the better is replacing \@part but i expect the code below enough in your case.

The command \topleft indicate the distance of vertical lines from left edge of paper you can change it as you like.




\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\coordinate(ptopleft) at ($(current page.north west)+(\topleft,0)$);
\foreach \i in{0,.1,.2,.3,.5,.6,.9,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.5,1.6,1.8,1.9,2}
\node[white,fill=black,minimum size=1.5cm](A) at ($(ptopleft)+(1,-2)$){\huge\thepart};
\node [anchor=south,ultra thick,yshift=-1mm]at(A.north){\Large PART};
\node [fill=white,anchor=north,very thick,right=-2mm,inner sep=5mm]at($(ptopleft)+(0,-0.5\paperheight)$){\Huge #1};


\cpart{Part title title title}
\chapter{chapter one}
\chapter{chapter two}

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