[Tex/LaTex] Customizing navigation bar in beamer


I would like to customize the navigation bar (I'm using smoothbars) in beamer but I do not know how to proceed. To be more precise, I would like that all sections that appear on the navigation bar to be highlighted at the titlepage slide.

This is the current situation, all of the topics shown on the navigation bar are not highlighted at the titlepage slide.
enter image description here

I would like that all of the topics shown on the navigation to be highlighted at the titlepage slide. The image below shows the highlight of the section CV when a frame is in this section.
enter image description here

Here follows an MWE of the present situation:


% To make the navigation bullets appear

      \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %remove navigation symbols
      \setbeamercovered{invisible} %No transparent layers



    \author[John Doe]{\bfseries John Doe}

    \frame{ % This is the title slide where I'd like to highlight the sections


    \section{Activités d'enseignement}

    \section{Activités de recherche}



Best Answer

Basically the current section is not highlighted, but the other ones are shaded. So if you temporally revoke the shading by setting its value to 100, you get all sections "highlighted".

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %remove navigation symbols
\setbeamercovered{invisible} %No transparent layers


\author[John Doe]{\bfseries John Doe}

\setbeamertemplate{section in head/foot shaded}[default][100]
\setbeamertemplate{mini frame in other subsection}[default][100]
\frame{ % This is the title slide where I'd like to highlight the sections


\section{Activités d'enseignement}

\section{Activités de recherche}



enter image description here


In order to get filled circles on the titlepage, try this

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %remove navigation symbols
\setbeamercovered{invisible} %No transparent layers



\author[John Doe]{\bfseries John Doe}

\setbeamertemplate{section in head/foot shaded}[default][100]
\setbeamertemplate{mini frame in other subsection}{%
\frame{ % This is the title slide where I'd like to highlight the sections


\section{Activités d'enseignement}

\section{Activités de recherche}



enter image description here