[Tex/LaTex] Customizing Bibliography with Biblatex


Using LyX. I made the conversion from bibtex to biblatex today, as I think it will help get a quick response, and be better for the long-term. I am trying to take the apa format and tweak a few things. I could use some help.

This is my preamble:

\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex}

I want the journal, book, etc to be italicized AND bolded.

Best Answer

You can use \DeclareFieldFormat to modify how different fields are printed. The general syntax is

\DeclareFieldFormat[<entry type>]{<field>}{<formatting commands>}

<entry type> can be a single entry type, e.g. article, or a comma separated list of entry types, e.g. article,book. <field> is the field you want to change, e.g. title. <formatting commands> defines how the field should be printed, with #1 representing the field contents.

Hence, to make the title of the journal for articles, and book titles, bold and italic, you could add


to the LaTeX preamble, after \usepackage{biblatex}. If you want quotation marks, use \mkbibquote{#1}. biblatex also has a bunch of commands for controlling punctuation, see section 4.7.3 Adding punctuation of the manual.