[Tex/LaTex] Customize constellation diagram of Smart diagram


I am using the constellation diagram of Smart diagram in Beamer, the following code


\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=gray!10!white, fg=gray!10!white}
\setbeamercolor{palette quaternary}{bg=darkred}


 planet size=3cm,
 planet text width=2.5cm,
 planet font=\footnotesize,
 satellite size=2cm, 
 satellite text width=2.5cm,
 satellite font=\scriptsize,
 distance planet-text=0,
 %distance satellite-text=0,
 distance planet-satellite=3.5cm,
 /tikz/connection planet satellite/.append style={<-}
 \smartdiagram[constellation diagram]{
  Conditions de simulation,
  Type de tâches,
  Contraintes temporelles,
  Test de faisabilité du GEDF,
  Contraintes systèmes,
  Contraintes énergétiques}}

I obtained the following diagram

enter image description here

I want

  1. to make the words in the satellites darker to be clear.
  2. to reduce the distance between the text and the borders of the satellites.
  3. to delete the arrows
  4. to make the satellites appear one by one

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

samcarter's solution about deleting the arrows is correct, but it doesn't work in case that you use a non white background.

For colored background you have two solutions, the easy one is to know which color do you use and write connection color = <background color>.

When background color is not perfectly known, it would be better to use connection color = none, but this shows an error unless you change smartdiagram code.

Something that worked for me, although I don't know if it breaks anything else, is:



\pgfkeys{/smart diagram/.cd,%
uniform connection color/.is choice,%
uniform connection color/true/.code={%
\tikzset{connection planet satellite/.append style={%
uniform connection color/false/.style={connection planet satellite},%
uniform connection color/.default=false,%


\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=brown}

    planet text width=2.5cm,
    satellite font=\scriptsize,
    bubble text opacity = 1,
    uniform connection color =true,
    connection color = none
    \smartdiagramanimated[constellation diagram]{
        Conditions de simulation,
        Type de tâches,
        Contraintes temporelles,
        Test de faisabilité du GEDF,
        Contraintes systèmes,
        Contraintes énergétiques

enter image description here

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