[Tex/LaTex] Customize \chaptermark for \mainmatter


Hey guys it's me again,

I tried to add \leftmark to my header, but I want to change it from Chapter 1. Introduction to 1 Introduction. My MWE:

\documentclass[12pt, oneside, a4paper]{book}


I googled a lot a found \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{}} and other variations and inserted it at different places of the preamble, but it doesn't work.

Am I missing something important again? Guess so, but I couldn't point it out.

Best Answer

\chaptermark can be redefined the following way:

      \ifnum\value{secnumdepth}>-1 %
        \thechapter\ %
      \ifnum\value{secnumdepth}>-1 %
          \thechapter\ %

It prints the headers:

1 Introduction
2 Blablabla

The upper casing of CONTENTS can be removed by the redefinition of \tableofcontents:


That removed \MakeUppercase from the definition of \tableofcontents (twice).