[Tex/LaTex] Curly brace arrow and labeling


I have the following code which generates a plot of $x^2+1$ and then marks a distance by a curly brace on it.

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta,automata, decorations.pathreplacing}
\begin{tikzpicture}[domain=0:1.8, xscale = 6, yscale = 1.5]

\draw[->]  (-0.2,0)  --  (2,0)  node[right]  {$x$};
\draw[->]  (0,-1.2)  --  (0,4)  node[above]  {$f(x)$};

\draw[color=blue]      plot  (\x,{\x^2+1})        node[right]  {};
\node(1) at (0.5,0) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5 pt]{};
\node(2) at (0.5,0.5^2+1) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5pt]{};
\node(3) at (1.5,0) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5pt]{};
\node(4) at (1.5,1.5^2+1) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5pt]{};
\node(5) at (1.0, 0) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5pt]{};
\node(6) at (1.0, 1.0^2+1) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5pt]{};

\node[below of = 1](leftlabel){$x-dx$};
\node[below of = 5](middlelabel){$x$};
\node[below of = 3](rightlabel){$x+dx$};

\draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt,mirror}, yshift = -0.2cm]
(1.0,1^2+1) -- (1.5,1^2+1) node (curly_bracket)[black,midway, yshift =- 0.3 cm] 
\node[below right of =  curly_bracket, xshift = 1 cm, yshift = -0.1 cm](test){};
\draw[<-] (curly_bracket) -- (test) node[at end,label=below right:{$dx$}]{};

\draw[dashed] (1.0,1^2+1)--(1.5,1^2+1) node[below =0.3cm, right = 0.7 cm](7){} node[midway](8){};


The above results in the following plot:
enter image description here

As you can see the positioning of the arrow and its label to the curly brace are not very good. I would like for the arrow to point to exactly the tip of the brace with a small vertical spacing, and for the label to the opposite side of the arrow to appear a lot closer to the end of the line.

Ideally I am looking to achieve something like this:

enter image description here

How do I bring the arrow from the tip of the curly brace, and label its end with adequate anchor spacing?


To respond to @Zarko, and to those skeptical of why I would be embarking on such an endeavor, I would like to show the following plot
enter image description here

As you can see this would be challenging to do without the arrow leaders provided by the accepted answer

Best Answer

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta,automata, decorations.pathreplacing}
\begin{tikzpicture}[domain=0:1.8, xscale = 6, yscale = 1.5]

\draw[->]  (-0.2,0)  --  (2,0)  node[right]  {$x$};
\draw[->]  (0,-1.2)  --  (0,4)  node[above]  {$f(x)$};

\draw[color=blue]      plot  (\x,{\x^2+1})        node[right]  {};
\node(1) at (0.5,0) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5 pt]{};
\node(2) at (0.5,0.5^2+1) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5pt]{};
\node(3) at (1.5,0) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5pt]{};
\node(4) at (1.5,1.5^2+1) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5pt]{};
\node(5) at (1.0, 0) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5pt]{};
\node(6) at (1.0, 1.0^2+1) [circle,draw, fill, scale = 0.5pt]{};

\node[below of = 1](leftlabel){$x-dx$};
\node[below of = 5](middlelabel){$x$};
\node[below of = 3](rightlabel){$x+dx$};

\draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt,mirror}, yshift = -0.2cm]
(1.0,1^2+1) -- (1.5,1^2+1) node (curly_bracket)[black,midway, yshift =- 0.3 cm] 
\node[below right of =  curly_bracket, xshift = 1 cm, yshift = -0.1
\draw[latex-] (curly_bracket) to[out=-90,in=90,looseness=1.8] (test);

\draw[dashed] (1.0,1^2+1)--(1.5,1^2+1) node[below =0.3cm, right = 0.7 cm](7){} node[midway](8){};

enter image description here