[Tex/LaTex] Creating a very flexible TOC with beamer

beamertable of contents

To manage TOC in bearmer I normally use these codes:

\frametitle{Table of Contents}   
\begin{frame}{Table of Contents}

I came across this presentation. This have TOC for sections only in two columns and then at the start of each section it has TOC for the section and subsections (please have a look on this nice presentation).

I wonder how to get such TOC and and color scheme for this WARSAW theme. Thanks in advance.


I found that to get this beamer theme this code was used:


Best Answer

You can use the multicol package to switch to two-column mode for the ToCs; the color for certain parts can be changed by setting the appropriate template or color template. A little example with two-column ToCs and with a variation of the color for the sections in the upper navigation bar, and the sections in the partial ToCs at the beginning of each section:


\colorlet{mycolor}{orange!80!black}% change this color to suit your needs

\title[Intro. to High-Perf. Computing ]{Introduction to\\ High-Performance Computing with R\\
\small Tutorial at \textit{useR! 201}}
\author{The Author}
  \setbeamercolor{section in toc shaded}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg}
  \setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=mycolor}
  \setbeamercolor{subsection in toc shaded}{fg=black}
  \setbeamercolor{subsection in toc}{fg=mycolor}

\setbeamercolor{author in head/foot}{fg=white}
\setbeamercolor{title in head/foot}{fg=mycolor}
\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{fg=mycolor}
\setbeamertemplate{section in head/foot shaded}{\color{white!70!black}\insertsectionhead}
\setbeamercolor{subsection in head/foot}{fg=mycolor}
\setbeamertemplate{subsection in head/foot shaded}{\color{white!70!black}\insertsubsectionhead}



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Some title1}Test\end{frame}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Some title2}Test\end{frame}

\section[Tools]{Automation and Scripting}

\section[Measure]{Measuring and Profiling}
\subsection[Profiling]{Profiling Compiled Code}

\section[Faster]{Speeding up}
\subsection[Ra]{Just-in-time compilation}
