[Tex/LaTex] Creating a stacked and grouped bar chart

bar chartpgfplotstikz-pgf

I'm trying to make a grouped stacked bar graph. I've got this far, with the code below. My problem is that there should be groups of three bars – but this code seems to have only produced groups of two. Also I need two sets of labels – One for ethnicity and one for generation, but not sure how to make this happen, especially given that the current labels dont work. Any help appreciated.

Many thanks, Polly


\begin{axis}[ybar stacked,bar shift=8pt,ymin=0,ymax=11,   x tick label 
style={rotate=45,anchor=east},symbolic x coords={White Other,African 
Caribbean and White,African,D,E}]]  
\addplot coordinates
{(White Other,1) (African Caribbean and White,1) (African,3) (D,2) (E,1.5)};
\addplot coordinates
{(White Other,1) (African Caribbean and White,1) (African,3) (D,2) (E,1.5)};
\addplot coordinates
{(White Other,1) (African Caribbean and White,1) (African,3) (D,2) (E,1.5)};

\begin{axis}[ybar stacked,bar shift=-8pt,ymin=0,ymax=11,symbolic x coords=
{White Other,African Caribbean and White,African,D,E}]  
\addplot+[fill=blue!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 
\addplot+[fill=red!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 
\addplot+[fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 

\begin{axis}[ybar stacked,bar shift=-8pt,ymin=0,ymax=11,symbolic x coords=
{White Other,African Caribbean and White,African,D,E}]  
\addplot+[fill=blue!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 
\addplot+[fill=red!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 
\addplot+[fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 



enter image description here

Best Answer

The problem is that you've used the same bar shift for two of the axis environments. You want e.g. -10pt for one axis, zero for the next, and 10pt for the last.

I would perhaps also add hide axis to the first two axis environments, so that the axis box, ticks and ticklabels are only drawn once.

output of code

  every axis/.style={ % add these settings to all the axis environments in the tikzpicture
    ybar stacked,
    x tick label style={rotate=45,anchor=east},
    symbolic x coords={
      White Other,
      African Caribbean and White,
  bar width=8pt

% bar shift -10pt here
\begin{axis}[bar shift=-10pt,hide axis]
\addplot coordinates
{(White Other,1) (African Caribbean and White,1) (African,3) (D,2) (E,1.5)};
\addplot coordinates
{(White Other,1) (African Caribbean and White,1) (African,3) (D,2) (E,1.5)};
\addplot coordinates
{(White Other,1) (African Caribbean and White,1) (African,3) (D,2) (E,1.5)};

% zero bar shift here    
\begin{axis}[hide axis]
\addplot+[fill=blue!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 
\addplot+[fill=red!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 
\addplot+[fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 

% and bar shift +10pt here
\begin{axis}[bar shift=10pt]
\addplot+[fill=blue!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 
\addplot+[fill=red!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 
\addplot+[fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates
{(White Other,1.5) (African Caribbean and White,1.5) (African,3.5) (D,2.5) 
