[Tex/LaTex] Creating a Resume Header


I would like to recreate this résumé header in LaTeX. I'm having quite a bit of trouble with it. I'm a bit of a LaTeX novice.

Resume Header:

Best Answer

The memoir class provides a good method of creating a custom header with three parts. As set up here, the header will appear on every page as a custom letterhead. The technique is explained in the comments below.

    \documentclass[12pt, oneside]{memoir}

    % Select a font package here (any TeX engine), or use fontspec with LuaLaTex or XeLaTeX
    % If it has to look like Times New Roman, \usepackage{tgtermes} instead 

    % Set dimensions of text block for memoir
    % For example, 1-inch margins on letter-size paper, with extra on top for header
    % Set header and footer size

    % Create a custom header for every page:
    % The three parameters of \makeoddhead{headers} define the left, center, and right parts of the header.
    % We use macros for the data and then fill them in below.
    % Use any formating commands within each bracketed parameter.
        %left side
        % center
        {{\Large\bfseries\name}\\ \vspace{0.5em} {\footnotesize\email \\ \phone }}
        % right side
    % A horizontal rule beneath the header looks nice
    % Activate your custom header

    % Now supply the information to be put into the header above: This makes it easier to change
    \newcommand{\name}{LaTeX User}
    \newcommand{\currentAddress}{123 Main St.\\ Current City, State 12345}
    \newcommand{\permanentAddress}{321 Main St.\\ Permanent City, State 54321}
    \newcommand{\phone}{(123) 456-7890}


    % Here is one basic way to format CV information 

        \item{Fact 1}
        \item{Fact 2}


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