[Tex/LaTex] Creating a relational database schema


A database systems book at our school depicts a relational schema like this :

Relational Database Schema

I've been trying to recreate a similar schema using LaTeX, so far I use a whole bunch of single-row tabular environments and have been toying with Tikz in combination with Tikzmarks, but I'm not sure how to make arrows travel in right angles like in the picture. What would be your way of going about this?

Best Answer

Here's a solution based on Arianna's link :



\begin{tikzpicture}[relation/.style={rectangle split, rectangle split parts=#1, rectangle split part align=base, draw, anchor=center, align=center, text height=3mm, text centered}]\hspace*{-0.3cm}


\node (countrytitle) {\textbf{COUNTRY}};

\node [relation=3, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split part fill={lightgray!50}, anchor=north west, below=0.6cm of countrytitle.west, anchor=west] (country)
\nodepart{two}   Name
\nodepart{three} Description};

\node [below=1.3cm of country.west, anchor=west] (awardtitle) {\textbf{AWARD}};

\node [relation=5, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split part fill={lightgray!50}, below=0.6cm of awardtitle.west, anchor=west] (award)
\nodepart{two} Name
\nodepart{three} Description
\nodepart{four}  Date
\nodepart{five}  Country\_ISO\_code};

\node [below=1.1cm of award.west, anchor=west] (booktitle) {\textbf{BOOK}};

\node [relation=5, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split part fill={lightgray!50}, anchor=north west, below=0.6cm of booktitle.west, anchor=west] (book)
\nodepart{two}   Name
\nodepart{three} Description
\nodepart{four}  First\_publication\_date
\nodepart{five} Original\_language};

\node [below=1.4cm of book.west, anchor=west] (genretitle) {\textbf{GENRE}};

\node [relation=3, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split part fill={lightgray!50}, anchor=north west, below=0.6cm of genretitle.west, anchor=west] (genre)
\nodepart{two}   Name
\nodepart{three} Description};

\node [below=1.5cm of genre.west, anchor=west] (ell1) {...};

\node [below=1.0cm of ell1.west, anchor=west] (winsawardtitle) {\textbf{WINS\_AWARD}};

\node [relation=3, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split part fill={lightgray!50}, anchor=north west, below=0.6cm of winsawardtitle.west, anchor=west] (winsaward)
\nodepart{two}   \underline{Book\_URI}
\nodepart{three} \underline{Genre\_URI}};


\draw[-latex] (award.five south) -- ++(0,-0.2) -| ($(award.five south) + (4,0)$) |- ($(country.one south) + (0.25,-0.50)$) -| ($(country.one south) + (0.25,0)$);

\draw[-latex] (winsaward.one south) -- ++(0,-0.4) -| ($(winsaward.one south) + (11,0)$) |- ($(award.one south) + (0,-0.35)$) -| ($(award.one south) + (0,0)$);

\draw[-latex] ($(winsaward.two south) + (0.00,0)$) |- ++(0,-0.60) -| ($(winsaward.two south) + (5,0)$) |- ($(book.one south) + (0.00,-0.40)$) -| ($(book.one south) + (0.00,0)$);

\draw[-latex] (winsaward.three south) -- ++(0,-0.2) -| ($(winsaward.three south) + (2.63,0)$) |- ($(genre.one south) + (-0.00,-0.35)$) -| ($(genre.one south) + (-0.0,0)$);



Which gives :

Relational Schema