[Tex/LaTex] Create big fat green arrow like in excel


For my masters thesis I'm using a specific questionnaire. The questionnaire provides an evaluation tool that provides some nice graphics in excel. I want to create the same look in Latex to keep everything consistent.

Green Arrow

I can not find a good way to include an arrow symbol that look similar to the one in the picture.


Just does not cut it for me.

too small arrows

I already looked here https://www.rpi.edu/dept/arc/training/latex/LaTeX_symbols.pdf and scribbled in http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html but found nothing suitable.

Best Answer

You could build your own.

\node[single arrow,draw,rotate=90,single arrow head extend=0.2em,inner
ysep=0.2em,transform shape,line width=0.05em,top color=green,bottom color=green!50!black] (X){};
ABC \FancyUpArrow\ DEF

{\Large ABC \FancyUpArrow\ DEF}

enter image description here

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