TikZ-PGF – Creating Tables of Signs and Variations with tkz-tab


I have a serious problem to solve. I would like to make a function monotonicity in my latex doc and i write

\tikzset{arrow style/.style = {blue,
> = latex’,
shorten > = 6pt,
shorten < = 6pt}}
\tkzTabInit[espcl=5]{$x$ /1, $\ln x +1$ /1.5, $x \ln x$ /2}%
{$0$ ,$1/\E$ , $+\infty$}%
{ D+/ / $0$ ,%
-/ \colorbox{black}{\textcolor{white}{$\dfrac{-1}{e}$}}/ ,%
+/ $+\infty$ / }%

and it shows error. Is something with any package or some setting i have to to in the doc??


I sent you an exact example of what i try to do

Best Answer

Firstly it's preferable to give a complete example, then you need to define \E, you need to load amsmath.


\tikzset{arrow style/.style = {blue,->,> = latex',
shorten > = 6pt,
shorten < = 6pt}}
\tkzTabInit[espcl=5]{$x$ /1, $\ln x +1$ /1.5, $x \ln x$ /2}{$0$ ,$1/\E$ , $+\infty$}%
{ D+/ / $0$ ,%
-/ \colorbox{black}{\textcolor{white}{$\dfrac{-1}{e}$}}/ ,+/ $+\infty$ / }%

enter image description here

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