[Tex/LaTex] Create a notation summary in latex


Hi guys I'm writing a report with a lot of math symbols that I would like to collect in a single table at the beginning of the document, like some math books do. Is there a simple way to do that?

Morevoer, since there are some important equations, I would like to summarize them too.

So I was thinking a of creating the following:

  1. Notation summary.
  2. Equation summary.

For the point 2 I have been thinking something like the table of Fourier/inverse Fourier transform pair, but where one column has a very short description and the other has the equation.

How to do this as well?

(The picture below shows what kind of result i want to achieve)

enter image description here

Best Answer

Here's an example for the symbol notation table with glossaries, removing the page numbers by applying a user-defined glossary-style.

Say \glsaddall to provide all symbols at once!

\usepackage[acronym,nomain]{glossaries}              % use glossaries-package


\newglossary[slg]{symbolslist}{syi}{syg}{Symbolslist} % create add. symbolslist

\makeglossaries                                   % activate glossaries-package

% ==== EXEMPLARY ENTRY FOR SYMBOLS LIST =========================================
        description={Geometrical value},

        description={Height of tower},

        description={Energy consumption},

\setglossarystyle{long}% base this style on the list style
\renewenvironment{theglossary}{% Change the table type --> 3 columns

\renewcommand*{\glossaryheader}{%  Change the table header
  \bfseries Sign & \bfseries Description \\
\renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{%  Change the displayed items
  \glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}} %
  & \glossentrydesc{##1}




\printglossary[type=symbolslist,style=notationlong]   % list of symbols




enter image description here